
123d design copy paste
123d design copy paste

123d design copy paste

Pattern Buckle written tutorial Pattern buckle video tutorial

123d design copy paste

Simple Buckle written tutorial Simple buckle video tutorial Sketching tutorial Split Solid tutorial 123Dfile case & top

123d design copy paste

Teacher notes Written tutorial Video tutorial LED light decoration using the Pattern Tool Mouse control diagram Mouse control practice


Tutorial resources for learning to use 123D Design CAD software More Teacher Notes and ideas for use of Fusion 360 will be added in due course, particular to help with the new UK Design & Technology school curriculum/coursework. For those who have previously used the 123D Design tutorials, you will see that a number of the Fusion tutorials are for the same products, to help you compare the 123D method to the Fusion method. WMG Outreach now has a range of beginner tutorials for Fusion 360 at warwick.ac.uk/fusion360tutorials and more tutorials will be added over time. However, Autodesk Fusion 360, a much more powerful professional CAD package, can be downloaded free of charge by students, educators and start-ups/enthusiasts. If you already have the software, you will be able to use these tutorials. Sadly this software was recently withdrawn. These teaching resources worked very well with the young people involved. During the projects Engaging Young Learners in 3D CAD and 3D Printing and the Assistive Technologies 3D Printing Project, the free download CAD software, Autodesk 123D Design was used.

123d design copy paste