
Typebroker vs iwriter
Typebroker vs iwriter

You can get the results in my article setting out my favorite content providers.

#Typebroker vs iwriter update

Update May 25, 2022: Check out my larger, more recent content case study where I ordered and compared content from 27 content providers. I did not inform any service that these articles were to be used for a case study.That said, all article topics have decent search volume numbers and aren’t horrendously competitive. Instead, I just want to assess the results based on my reading of it. I’m not assessing the result based on SEO traffic. I did not concern myself with search volume or keyword difficulty.

typebroker vs iwriter

I used the exact same instructions for every order.I was curious, however, with the lowest level at Writer Access, so I placed that order. I didn’t bother ordering lower price points at Textbroker or iWriter because I know they aren’t very good.I ordered at various price points with each writing service.All article orders stipulated 1,500 words in length.All articles, while a different topic, are the same concept (i.e.See article topics ordered for each writing agency below under “Case Study Results”.

typebroker vs iwriter typebroker vs iwriter

  • I placed all 9 orders on November 29, 2018.
  • I did not change anything except corrected some bullet point issues, adjusted some hyperlinks and added featured images. See all results below as well as my article instructions and access to all the articles I received as-is from the writers. Below I explain how I set this case study up in detail and let you see the content as-delivered to me.

    Typebroker vs iwriter